Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Maah Daah Hey 100 (106+)

July 1, 2019, Monday morning and my first day back to life and reality after 2 weeks away with Army National Guard. I was relieved to be home and getting back to my real life when an email popped into my inbox, "Maah Daah Hey LOA". I was initially just saddened to realize I'd been chosen to go to North Dakota in 24 days to run and represent the Army National Guard team simply because I wasn't ready to think about leaving again already and also because it's been months since I'd been able to train well due to ongoing hamstring, back and pelvic pain, so the  thought of running a fast marathon sounded excruciating (my inner self was already imagining the pain). Then I remembered that this was one of my top choices for the years' races and hello...not simply a road marathon but trail run and did I mention -> in  North Dakota! How cool? How lucky am I?  I jumped onto the website and quickly saw that they had other distances, including 106. How enticing? A 106 mile trail that you could cover from point to point and considering my training and pain issues it would be doable perhaps simply because I could move so much slower. I quickly emailed our coordinator to ask for an extra day so that I might attempt this. Then I called my husband Dave to share the news and ask his opinion. I honestly expected him to remind me that I'd been struggling to manage my pain already and that this was a bad idea. I told him in my, "I already know the logical answer here" voice. He responded with "Cool baby, this is cool right? If you want to do it, you should do it." And so, I did.

As luck would have it I ran a 70+ mi week (if you count the walking miles which typically I don't but for slow going ultras walking can be a huge benefit) only 1 week prior. So it fit to have another high mileage week in before this attempt. At that time I really didn't know how my body would do out on the MDH and I hesitated to even consider a finish. I wanted to go and see as much as I could and I would simply do the best I could. Tuesday, July 2, I dug into my hamstring...desperate to get some release or pain control and I flared it, for 4 days I could hardly walk, I couldn't even attempt to run, every step felt like a knife. It's been like that so many times though it didn't really bother me, except that I lost an entire week of training and now had 3 weeks to be ready to run 100+ miles. 

The following week I was "better" or back to my usual pain and I aimed for a 55 MI week. I also found, via reference, a great physical therapist who took the time to listen to my entire injury saga, evaluate my running gait, and get other team members on board to manage my issues. They, both of my PTs, supported my relatively idiotic plan to go run but we agreed that post MDH100 I would be a good patient, listen, learn and heal.

That week went fine and the next week I had one 22 ish mile overnight run with my friend Jackie and this was a huge confidence boost. My pain was manageable the whole run,  I tested Rocktane by GU as a new nutrition tactic and tested out my brand new shoes. Prior to July 1, I was not nearly ready to consider my next ultra, in fact I'd just confirmed my dropping from Twisted Branch 100k which I hope I'll be attending in 2020. So, New shoes, New food, long run and a good friend... I hoped that'd be enough, because I was out on time. From that run I had 10 days to race day. So I planned to train hiking and shake out runs and hope for the best.

Last thing to note pre race wise is the course itself. Now the elevation isn't crazy, in fact on paper is the easiest ultra I'd attempt, but it was remote. There would be 3 aid stations, mile 25, 50 and 79. Any other support you might like, would be at Checkpoints A-I which were any road access locations in the trail. Most of these were 8-15 miles apart, there was a nice chunk between 68 and 79 where they were nice and close 4-6 miles apart. My only crew would be our team coordinator and I had no luck searching for a pacer in  North Dakota. So this would be very much my own race. This was an exciting challenge!

July 25 arrived and most of the team was held up in Denver due to flight delay. We hung out and talked about our upcoming endeavors. Turns out there were 7 people attempting the 56 mile, but I was the only person doing the 106. The others planned for half or full marathon distances which were also long, 15 and 29 mile courses on trail. Not every marathon runner is trail runner nor do they want to be (after running this course - for the traditional road marathoner just standing at the start line took serious guts). We were all their for our own version of adventure. We eventually got into Dickinson, ND, checked in, ate dinner and crashed. 

The next morning I learned our team coordinator, Chris,  had brought one guy as back up support, Eric. Eric was basically assigned to be my crew (With 7 ppl doing the 56, which starts 50 miles ahead of my start line logistics were complicated, especially with 18 hrs to plan and neither Chris or Eric had ever crewed an ultra marathon). So I knew what I'd gotten into, I knew my support would need to feel as prepared as possible so I made a plan, sketched it out and we got the SAG vehicle ready.

Race day!! 
Up and off to the start at 4am. Last minute routines and set up for my SAG and then it was off to the start. Nick, the Race Director welcomed us and shared his "Why"... It was touching and meaningful. He has been mountain biking this trail for years but when the funding disappeared the trail started to too. His personal refuge and place of peace was disappearing. He decided that couldn't happen and he and his wife developed the race series and 4 years ago they invited/ included trail runners. I felt so blessed to be even a tiny piece of something good, and I was about to see the entirety of the MDH, I wanted to see and experience what Nick was so passionate about. 

After this Nick let us know the Little Mousouri river crossing would be 4.5' deep, meaning all SAG vehicles could not get from the previous checkpoint to the next AS directly, instead they'd need to drive around the entire area, roughly 2.5hrs to access the trail from the opposite side... So SAG wasn't going to Mile 50, we'd see them at 58 or checkpoint D. 

0623ish we finally got started. We all went out hiking up but no one wanted to take the lead so I did and began trotting. I really wanted to take it slow so I was being really careful not leave the pack. Soon a couple other guys came up and not long after the eventual winner and first female. It was about 4 of us bouncing around upfront. It was getting hot fast! We climbed and descended some gentle and brief switch backs and then continued onto miles of open grassland. The sun streaming down, a 10" single track rut weaving along and constant wind that was only just more than a breeze. It was everything I dream about as a runner. 

Mile 10, checkpoint A. This was our first stop and the only one until mile 25. I refilled my chest bottles and took my full 2L bladder. I chugged a soylent and pickle juice and grabbed a Little Debbie cake and went out, realizing quickly there after that we'd forgotten sunscreen.  I ran for a while with a young guy who was going for his first 100. He admitted he was likely going too hard and just pacing off of others, but we had a good chat. I told him I was going to be slowing down soon with the heat I intended to save myself to enjoy the night. Not long after that I was baking, I decided I'd better get my hat out since it'd be a long while until I could get sunscreen on. So I took my pack off to get it out and put myself back together. About 5ish min later the trail was slightly less groomed and then a red PRIVATE fence, not the black lift gates of the MDH. Oh shoot! Where did I get off track? I started back toward the trail looking every where for the next 4' 
marker, running at a 8:15 pace trying to remember not to be stupid and burn out over a lil wrong turn. Then anther runner turned right where I had clearly gone straight....(must have missed it putting my hat on), it was marked quite well.

I just kept moving, not knowing who all had passed while I'd gone exploring. About mile 20 I found a shrub and took to the shade for a minute. I thought if I stopped for pictures and took  breaks in the shade it would help me to keep from thinking of this as a race, because I didn't want to race, I wanted to experience the trail, to take it all in. I heard voices a couple minutes later and so I got up to go run with these 2 guys. We took off hiking the ups and running the runnable, he was running solid though like 9:40s... It felt a bit too hard for me in the heat but I figured I'd stick with it to AS #1 (about 4 mile away at that point).

At the AS I couldn't believe how hot it was already, it wasn't even noon. We packed my bladder with ice and I drank pickle juice, soylent and walked with my tortilla, avocado and bacon wrap pushing myself to finish it before I started to run again. I kept on the same plan of run, walk but it was still hot, desert hot though. The wind dries your sweat so you're just running in an oven. So around mile 30 still 8 miles from the checkpoint I found just one tree with  a single spot of shade. So again I sat. Only a couple minutes later Sylvia, a woman I'd emailed with prior to the race and hoped to run with, came up on me in. She asked if I was OK and I told her of course and got up to get some miles in with her. We enjoyed the next hour run walk hike run....but her walking was walking for me and not hiking. We were both feeling the heat of the day but some how in our hour together I felt like I recovered and took off down the trail. Got to checkpoint B and drank more of the same. I ate an MRE and drank as much liquid as I could. I also changed my socks which I'd never needed before but the grass was getting stuck inside the heel of my sock and rubbing. I'd already given up on my gators as I should have worn higher socks but I just don't like them. The next stretch would still be hot and another 8 miles long. I headed out my own and just kept rolling along, some clouds had come in and I was running pretty steadily. Checkpoint C was unremarkable, drank and dropped my bladder switching back to just my 2 x 18 Oz chest bottles. It was only 4 miles from here to the river. I caught up to Mark, Sylvia's husband and ran just ahead of him as I came to a deep mud "creek"...about 2 ft deep with thick mud, stagnant... But cool at least. From there it was only a mile or so to the river. 

I'd been excited for the river all day, until I started to try and cross it. I couldn't keep my grounding against the current. I started to freak out a bit....I went back to the edge and waited for Mark, I told him I didn't think I could get across without getting pulled down river. He coached me across, we only lost 50ft but I've never struggled like that in water before. I was so  grateful he was there. I pulled out my ziplock with my phone in it only to see a hole and brown water in the bag....F!!! Spent 3 min walking trying to suck river out of the charging port and get the case off...I couldn't exactly dry anything since I was totally soaked (which did feel good even if it invited the mosquitoes). I ran as efficiently as I could to AS#2 and dried my phone the inside of my headlamp and batteries. I ate 5 pieces of taffy and had both bottles filled with Tailwind. Then I took off down the trail.

At this point, the cooler end of daylight, it was time to cover ground and make up for time lost in the heat and 20 min in the river!! I was running smoothly and feeling very well. I was within 30 min of the leaders when I came into Checkpoint D about mile 58. 
This is about where things start to blend together by the way. I know this was last checkpoint with just Eric and they actually thought they'd missed or lost me. I changed socks and shoes which post 9 mi of running on river gravel was a unique blessing.

 As I left this checkpoint sunset was coming. Purple skies a very light rainbow stretched out in front of me. I came up the young guy who sadly was doing the painful drudge... The one you inevitably fall into when you go out too hard and use up your muscles early on (I know this look, the hike where you aimlessly follow your pacer and wish you'd listened better early on because I've done it plenty). I hung back with him and his pacer for a while just enjoying some company, even his pacer who would be switched out at the next checkpoint offered to pace me but it was time for me to get moving so I did. About a mile from the next checkpoint I decided to eat my MRE so I could be faster through checkpoint. Mid eating..."Rattle rattle hisssss".... I squeaked a girly scream and then headed around the trail giving the rattlesnake as much room as I could and then ran away fast!

Checkpoint E, Chris and Eric were waiting. I drank soylent and refilled. I was feeling tired but not yet ready to dig into my red bull. I didn't spend much time here. Eric told me that if I tried just a little I could likely catch up to #1, she was only 15 min ahead. I reminded him and myself that if that happens it'd be great but I didn't come to race, there's 38 more miles....we'll just see how it all goes. And off I went. 

The next checkpoint was 6 miles off which was further than expected, felt like a long time alone in the dark. Chris mentioned he might have someone to run with me so I just wanted to get there. Finally checkpoint F. From F it was only 4 miles. A teammate who other than the MDH half marathon hadn't run trail and had never night run volunteered to come out. It was only 4 miles but it helped to break up the run. I was still moving well but it took effort now... You push to walk faster and faster until you accidentally run and then just don't stop for as long as you can. We made it checkpoint G but each stretch was feeling long. It was officially past my bedtime! From here though it would be 3 short miles to AS #3 mile 79ish. Off I went leaving the friendly faces behind and headed back into the darkness.

I don't remember much of this stretch, it was the same as the previous chunks of dark trail....the only views were the frogs on the trail and the MDH trail posts keeping you going! The descent to the AS was so fun, I always love switch backs. At the  AS they had a little camp fire, soup, watermelon. It was pleasant. I spent too long here...the soup was so hot and I was trying to get it down ...probably should have stuck with soylent and kept rolling. The next chunk would be 12 miles. So I didn't worry too much about taking a few minutes before the longest stretch of darkness.

The night was getting hard. My stability was lessened so managing the same 10" rut was getting much harder so I was hiking hard but less running. Somewhere in the night there was the first of a few sink hole crossings: thick deep 8-10" mud some spots dry enough to hold you others not so much leading into 18" of muddy water and back out. Soaking your feet and filing your shoes and socks with tiny gravel. I also noticed that almost every step I took kicked dirt into the heel of my other shoe. I stopped to dump it out but my heels were already tender. 

After pushing for an hour I turned on some music and just kept moving. Around mile 88 I heard this drumming. I couldn't tell how far it was or what it was. I turned off my music hoping for human life, peering into the darkness looking for car lights. I was lucky to never have a true low but this couple miles I was so desperate thinking I heard ppl. Turns out it was the sound of the fracking machines. I did get to checkpoint H but I was feeling defeated. I knew I'd lost time on that section. I changed my socks and shoes again. Ate one last MRE. I felt relatively restored and I had my red bull in one my bottles.  Just one more long stretch (but really 2). From H to I was 
estimated about 6 but it was closer to 9 miles. 

Sunrise finally came and I had hoped to make up time in the day light but I was having muscle pain to my left medial knee that had been getting worse for hours but earlier in the run it was relieved by though, there was no relief and it was getting sharper. There were 2, I think, more of those sink holes in this stretch so now the blister under my right ball of my foot was officially a blister and there was not much I could do at that point. Around 98 where I thought checkpoint I should have been I was feeling that anxiety around every turn hoping and wishing I saw my SAG vehicle and then I did finally but it was down and around, at least another half mile. I had 99.6 miles on my watch coming through checkpoint I and it was a personal goal at that point to record my 100 MI time and keep it under 24hrs . So I took nothing from my crew and  just handed over my head lamps and headed for the finish. (100 MI was 23:23)

I hustled that last 7 miles as hard as I could. Motivation would wane and I would  remind myself how much I'd like to be finished, because if you're not racing there's no hurry except that eventually you just want to sit down, dry your feet off and stop bending your knee that has been begging you to stop moving.  

At 105mi Nick was biking up the trail, he asked how I was doing and I said, "feeling okay, like I've run about 105 miles"... A fist bump later and I was headed down the final stretch of the trail. I made the mistake of asking someone where the trail head was (when I was about 1/4 mi away from it in hindsight) she told me I had 2 miles to the finish line which I didn't show, but was crushing because by my watch I had just over a mile. I knew then I couldn't beat 25 hrs and slunked into a sad hike, I was mentally weak and I was limping...I would still push the last mile but the second to last would need to just be the best I could at the moment, it sounds silly in writing to try explain when your mind bottoms out and your goals slip away (that was my low it was late and very short but those moments are why you train and since I hadn't trained it was easy to tell myself it was okay). And then I saw it... Our bright neon yellow/green National Guard jacket...."$#!+!!" I thought.... She was wrong....I am less than half mile from them! So I ran, limped, jogged my way through the finish line. Wish I hadn't let that friendly estimate get into my head. Turns out #1 lady was only a few minutes up....perhaps we could have had an epic finish together.... But...oh well. I ran my own adventure. The whole 106 + miles of it. It was everything I could have hoped for. 

I'm so grateful that I had that opportunity and the support from Chris and Eric and my teammates and the endless support of my husband who holds everything together when I'm away (which has just been too much lately). Ready to heal and have some summer with my family!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Georgia Death Race: How to Run yourself Ragged

A belated race report is better than No race report (I hope). It's taken me a while to decide to write, writing is like that for me. But, alas… the tale of my first GDR- sort of- honestly, its been a little too long to recall the turns, the food, the nitty gritty details that I try to share to actually have my blog be useful to others trying to learn about the course (SO this probably won't help and if that's why you're reading- so sorry. It's still a good running story!).
Pre Race: I was injured and burnt out already. The long story is long. The short story is I had a baby almost exactly 12 months prior to GDR, he was my second, so 2 Bubs, 1 full time job, Army National Guard commitments and then toss in a new business proposition and suddenly there was a lot on my plate. I was still hitting Every. single.  workout, hitting, every. single. mile in my plan. Despite pain and fatigue I pushed onward to follow the plan as designed by my coach. By mid January I peaked- I was amazing! Ha ha! But by February I was wiped out, by March overreaching with my hamstring tendinopathy and flaring piriformis syndrome. My backside was on fire and the constant daily pain was really making the running less fun.
So it was by February that I was pretty sure the race I wanted was out of reach, I knew because I couldn't imagine wanting it badly enough. I hurt and I was getting worse, not better and it was too late. Being undertrained and weak on that course or being slightly overtrained were pretty damn equal… so I didn't slow down, no regrets. But also, I couldn't see my race. I am huge believer in the meditative part of training and I just couldn't see a strong race, no matter how hard I tried to conjure it, I felt nothing. Nonetheless I was determined to close, to finish, I'd put too much work in to not just wing it. Despite the suggestion from my coach that maybe GDR wasn't worth it, maybe I should just take the loss and heal now...but no.
 I committed to going and seeing how it played out, just doing my best, knowing damn well I'd mentally struggle and it might get ugly. But I knew how to handle my weaknesses (ask for help) and I was ready.
Down to GA:  I had an easy flight, long traffic filled drive northeast of Atlanta to get to Amicalola Falls for race check-in. Once there I was excited to run into a few people and  meet a couple others. It was packed and a bit of struggle to locate friends but I found every one but Liz who had already left the crowd for an early dinner. I had no dinner plan thus far. I had found Combos and water at a dollar store and nothing else. I had race food and figured I'd get by, but it was a bit less than ideal. Anyways, after the pre-race meeting had ended I drove to my Air BnB, stopped at gas station and found Ramen noodles….figuring at least there's some carbs and salt (not something I would usually eat before …well anything). I arrived and met my hosts who were an older couple quite interested in hearing about the run and my crazy sport which was kind but I needed to unpack, organize and re-pack and EAT… so it was a bit a of struggle to manage the small talk as the night continued to tick by with my 2:45am wake up just around the corner.
Race Day:  Early early morning arrives and Stephen is there 5 min early to pick me up, Crew is On Point! I was excited, down right scared but totally excited. I hadn't  gotten to run with Liz in so long, I knew her training and her life had set her up to be Super! That girl can climb! So I was hoping to spend a few miles together before she crushed me….We met up at race check-in that morning took a couple photos and in minutes we were off to the Start line!
GDR Chunk 1: Mile 1 - 17ish I didn't feel bad starting out, but I knew right away in the back of my mind that my starting steps were not the flighty light adrenaline filled steps that they are when you're ready… but I pushed it anyways, I really was not worried about how the day was going to go, I wanted to have some fun. I headed out with the top ladies and we rolled through the first many miles. It didn't take long till a couple of other ladies had breached our group and took off hard. Soon our group was changed up a bit as every one found their climbing legs.  I knew I was not even a little prepared for the climbs and I knew I need to be right on the edge of pushing myself and chilling the heck out, but I felt good and I hoped it would last (even though I knew we were just getting started). It wasn't long at all before I was already feeling it… just like I had on my last several long runs… heavy exhaustion and fatigue. That FEELING…it gets into your head. I let myself slow up, a lot. I watched quite a few people pass as my pace tapered down hoping to get just a little bit of "Me" back. It wasn't too long before we were headed down a long long downhill (but even that was kicking my butt)… and then the absolute worst was when I realized that the endlessly long downhill, was an out and back. I didn't know it at first, but then it hit like bricks. Then there was Luzia and Liz bouncing up the trail, (both in their passing said something kind and inspiring) but I was sinking in my "defeated-ness" already, I was feeling ROUGH and I had to turn around and climb back out of there.
Chunk 2: Mile 17-34 This was hell, the entire thing, I climbed that hill out of the Aid Station in the worst mood.  I was so frustrated to have hit a low ALREADY! I mean, I knew it was coming, I knew we'd done almost ZERO hill work because I kept struggling with my hamstrings for all of my GDR focused training block, but even though my training was crashing I still completed my back to backs, my speed work…. To a "T"… so why couldn't I suck it up… I kept on pushing the positive self talk, but I mostly ran solo the entire race from mile 15 on and sometimes in ultras you get tired of yourself.  I'm used to this though, and I don't stop, (But some of those climbs did breach that 40% grade, hands on your knees and the huffing and puffing  that brought me to a standstill many times that I just froze, recollected my wimpy butt and stuck to what I know works-> keep moving forward). I had my watch to set to the elevation setting and simply kept going, knowing that every foot I climbed was closer to the at least 16K I had to hit.
Coming in to Mile 34 AS they had signs about pizza and for the first time in 18yrs of running that that sounded Awesome! I trucked into the AS happy to see people and ready to ask for a little lift. I don't collapse on people often in races and I don't remember the things I plan to accomplish at an AS. I tend to forget, rush and leave only to still be deep in my own struggles….So I decided to take my time. I really felt like I'd pretty much blown the race I'd planned on, so I might as well enjoy that I could right?? Only I was not having fun, I missed my kids and couldn't stop thinking about how amazing their day must have been, sunny and warm playing all day… and I was missing it to suffer alone in GA?!?!? Mom Guilt…. Gets me down! So anyways, I roll into the AS and eat 4 chunks of pizza and explain that I am really not into to this today and could use a boost. They helped me find some laughter and I got myself together and took off for the next section.
Chunk 3: Mile 34-50 Well … the boost didn't last long, I was still low, still whining to myself, wishing the wonderful, perfect day away and being frustrated with myself for that… I wanted to appreciate the climbs the work, the earth… and I did , but in a "forced reminding myself of why I was there", kind of way. Finally I was going to see my Crew, Stephen at mile 42 or 44, who knows? Anyway I made the effort to run into the AS but I was ready to take 10 maybe 15, just sit and re think what I was doing here. Luckily, a good crew and volunteers got me my Huel, my Red Bull, thicker socks and reminded me that through my whining I was still laughing and I was obviously not going to quit, and I knew I wouldn't too, (Which is part of the pain, part of what makes you want to quit- because you know you won't with no legitimate reason). So,  I got up and ran on down the trail… still low, but I tried using my ipod and using music for first time ever in a race. The music and caffeine helped, my brain was a little more excited to be where we were. I was moving much better, happier but not much. At the mile 50 AS I tried to get as much caffeine as I could to keep my high going and I ate a bit. It wasn't until the 7th female was coming into the AS that a little tinsie winsie fire of competition kicked in… I realized I really didn't want to get passed again!
Chunk 4: Mile 50- 74ish  I worked hard and climbed the next long fire road mountain like I'd flown all the way to GA and run 50 miles to get to it… (oh, I did)…. I passed the female in front of me and secured 5th place, but that kept me working hard because I didn't want to lose that again, I kept looking back, trying to run more than hike and jog.  I just kept on hustling, for the first time since mile 15 I was doing "Me" and it felt good. The mile 60 something AS was amazing, they got me as much coca cola as I could tolerate, a little bit more food and turned me 180 degrees toward the course where I had one of those moments when you look down a cliff and the world wobbles for a minute, it was a fairly steep downhill and my quads were wrecked, but you gotta run the downhills!! So I did, pounded down it through every ouchie ooo, owwwiiiiiiee that it took.  10 miles left and I was just rolling along. As the sun set I was reminded slightly of the disappointment of the day, I planned and trained to finish before sunset, but well… that wasn't my race. We got to the visitor center at Amicalola Falls and I was ready and waiting for the stairs, I'd been dreaming of them all day long. 
Finally, the stairs… I was so slow, but I just kept on trucking and when I got the top I had no idea how much was left, but luckily a volunteer let me know that I was 10min from the finish line, that was amazing to hear! I ran down that road as hard as I could and took the downhill on the trail fast, it was fully night time and I had to be careful, I think I had stop a couple times to find the course markers but that was it, it came out at the stream and I didn't totally know where I was until every one shouted for me to walk through the water and then I realized I'd made it. I finished GDR as 5th Female with a solid "F&%$ you" in my soul… just as the race intended ;)!
Final notes:  That course is hard, but not as scary as it's made out to be. If you train for it, even a little, you can complete it if you're willing to suffer. Keep moving forward… because seriously…. Where else are you going to go in the middle of the day or night in the middle of nowhere??? To sleep??? Instead of working on the same goal you've been getting up at 5 in the morning to complete for months?!? No way! Move your Feet! Keep going, eat, drink, ask for support- that’s why the volunteers are there! Change your socks! Wipe your face. Take the time to enjoy the work, the suffering.  It's about finding the struggle and learning over time through practice (and failures) how to work with it/ overcome it and push beyond. That’s the passion, the craving (for many of us)… to learn how to get beyond "ourselves". The actual goal is more existential than any course or finishing time.
Huge thank you to my crew, the new friends created through runners and volunteers alike! Huge Thanks to the RD for an awesome course, a ton of struggle and plenty of laughs!  I am so damn glad I got to meet you, run with you, whine to you and enjoy this crazy sport with you!
Happy running All!